Bioremediation: Microorganisms Cleaning the Environment

Biosmart Scientific Ltd. was formed in 2000. It focuses on producing non food markets, combining chemistry with biology to solve pollution problems. (IN1).
BioSmart specializes in new and safe ways to fix pollution and control contaminated waste. They help reduce manufacturing waste using biodegradation. (IN1)
"Planteco is an innovative pioneer of eco-friendly sustainable solutions for environmental remediation. PLANTECO has pioneered the first demonstrated technology that achieves instant neutralization of bulk explosives and bomb fillers at ambient temperature" (IN2).
"Organica (UK) Limited produces a wide range of biodegradable and non-hazardous compounds. The products are formulations of naturally occurring microbes, enzymes and plant extracts. These are blended with various nutrient sources and carriers to create its products, which are offered as alternatives to hazardous products" (IN3).

Microbial Insights, Inc. (MI) is a small business that specializes in the development and application of molecular biological tools. Microbial Insight tools help clients in managing processes, such as remediation. (IN4).

In the video to the left, it gives a tour of the faculity where many of the tools are built to aid people. MBTs tools provide a direct and more accurate assessment used to make site decisions. (IN4)
"Advance Chemicals is a quality manufacturer of chemicals and portable water treatment systems. It offers a new technology which is designed to purify water from any non-salt water source. The treated water has no taste or odours, requires no on site electricity to produce and can easily meet government drinking water standards" (IN5).
"Oil Spill Eater II is the world’s most environmentally safe and cost effective bioremediation process for any hazardous waste, spills and contamination anywhere of any size. OSE II is an environmentally safe cleanup method for it uses natures own bioremediation processes to profoundly remove hazardous materials" (IN6).

At the University of California Davis, researchers, led by Kate Scow, cultured a strain of bacteria capable of anaerobic mineralization of MTBE and degradation of its by product, TBA. The tools used in Dr. Scow's lab was able to remove MTBE in groundwater at a very rapid rate. (IN7)

Dr. Kate Scow is the Director of the Agricultural Substainabilitt Institute, the Russell Ranch Substainable Agriculture Facility, and a professor in the Land, Air, Water Resources Department. She has focused her research for the past 20 years on the role of microorganisms involved in decomposition or organic matter, biodegradtion of many pollutants and pesticides, and in the carbon and nitrogen cycle. In the photo the right, Dr. Scow is presented a commendation by Congressman Garamendi. (IN8) (P84)
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